Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy Fathers Day

Seeing that fathers day was yesterday i want to share a few thougths

I am so grateful to have such a wonderful dad who has shown me the importance of a mission, service in the church, but most of all the importance of the family. I have been thinking about a few of the teachings of Dad that have really influenced my life (espeically here in the mission) and I want to share them.

1. Priorities - dad has alwasy helped me understand the importance of putting priorities into order. I remember one night he taught a lesson with sand and rocks and he showed it was only possible to put all of the materials in a jar IF you put the rocks in first. I dont know if dad realized, but that has always stuck with me and I am so grateful for his loving teachings to help the kids.

2. Be Able to Face Falts (Lesson of Humility, and Repentance) - I think its funny sometimes becasue the little girls in our family do NOT have the same dad I did growing up. haha dad has changed a lot over the years, BUT instead of that being a weakness (like some people veiw it) it is a great strength. Dad is super humble and is even will to ask forgiveness from his own kids. That has taught me a great deal about who i would like to become. Dad is the kind of man who will reach perfection because he is willing to leave imperfect things behind. 

3. Do your Work with Pride - haha i have to laugh a little when i think of this one. I feel like a large part the teachings dad has given the kids have been centered on this principle. haha Dad has always shown us how to work, by example, by the scriptues and by many FFD´s (Family Fun Days... where we all work... all day haha) I have loved working on the roof with dad, in the basement, and redoing that bathroom. I often think about our last project in the basement. I really wanted to finish that basement and do it well before I left for the mission. I think dad instilled that spirit into me. There is a saying i like a lot that reminds me of dad and that is "a job worth doing is a job worth doing well" and also this idea of "leave it better than you found it" I have tried SO hard to apply that to the mission. and thanks to that i have gained the name "La Maquina" or "the Machine" haha thats because of dad.

4. Take Care of What you have and the Lord will bless you with More - This is an amazing teaching from dad and I hope i never lose this principle. Ive been getting better at THANKING our heavenly father for things but its another thing to SHOW your appreciation. When we truley show our gratitude for the things we receive (things materials, people, opertunities, callings) the lord amplifies our blessings.

Thanks dad for your many teachings,
I lvoe you Happy Fathers day.
Elder Bunker

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