Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Last Week

Hey  Everyone,

first, krysta thompson, i got your letter with the little boat and such. thanks for that. i really enjoyed the letter.

So this week has been good, a little better than the last.

Its been raining a ton here in lambayeque, or at least a lot more that normal, (which is nothing). for about 3 days in a row now everything has been soaked in the morning from the nightime rain - all the streets here are made out of dirt so everything is muddy. - and then it dries (kind of) by 6 in the afternoon. it makes walking a little harder because we have to avoid mini rivers in the streets and such. and sometimes the mototaxis get stuck. The rain has come late this year.

All the farmers are happy for the rain, because it really helps with their crops, but its horrible in the cities because everything gets so dirty and trafic is terrible. (this last week the trash-picker-upers went on strike so not only  was there a ton of mud but it was mixed with all the wet garbage as welll. it smelt for a bit in lambayeque)

I was talking with someone the other day about the rain and they said that this next year we should be due for a peruvian weather phenonminon called "el niño". If you get a chance to look it up on internet im sure you will find some neat things about it. but "el niño" is when it rains HARD here in peru for about a week straight. a few hundreds of years ago it distroyed an entire civilazation of the señor de sipan. we will see if it really happens this next year.

the rain causes some problems for us though (other than the fact that everything turns to mud) and that is that people cant travel to attend church, so our asistence has been a little down this week. Also, there are many people who dont live under solid roofs here in Morrope. So many people get sick, and their things are all wet. (it also brings in mosquitos... misionary nightmare haha) it should pass soon though. 

So this is my last week in morrope. I really dont know for sure, but we are pretty positive because i have been here for 4 1/2 to 5 months now which is normally the time the missionaries get assigned to a new area. im really sad, but i want to leave morrope on a good note, so this week is going to be another week of hard work. 

Another interesting thing that happened this week. A few of the other missionaries are teaching a girl who works for a TV station, and she was looking for someone to do a Cabri cooking oil interveiw for their channel that week. and their missionaries offered our cook to do the job. Even though we cant be filmed as missionaries it was fun to watch the camerman come in and do an interveiw where we eat and everything. our cook was really funny, she had no idea what to say.

so thats about all i can write this week. Hope all is going well in the states! :D

Turn Outward, Look Upward, Walk Forward,
(Dont turn in, Dont look down, Dont go Back)
Elder Bunker

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