Sunday, July 22, 2012


Hey everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know I am safe and sound in Peru, we got to the CCM (MTC) at around 1 this morning. It has been a little bit of an overwhelming trip.
On our first flight I met a woman named Misty. She is from Lehi and she is living with her boyfriend and 3 sons (2 bio sons and 1 step son) and we had a really good conversation about just life in general and what she did for a living. I tried really hard to find someway to slip in a message to her. She was really nice and we had a pretty good conversation. On our next flight was a African-American couple from Dallas. I was able to invite the wife to read the book of mormon and when I did that I had a lot of people start asking me questions, I guess part of the plane was listening. It was a great experience to share everything in english for a change haha. There was a group there going to do humanitary work on the Amazon for 9 days and they asked how long I would be preaching the gospel and I told them 2 years, they all about died. Haha. It really doesnt seem like that long now. Specially because I still have to learn the Language.

When we got to the Lima Airport, we looked around for a bit for representatives from the church to pick us up, but no one was there. Thankfully an older woman saw us and recognized us as missionaries. She is a member of the church and she was there with her nephew who spoke english. Truly a tender mercy.
Anyway we were at the airport for probably 2 hours before we figured out what was going on. A man from a taxie company kept telling us he worked for the MTC and wanted to take us to the "church", we ended up calling one of the mission presidents and asked what is going on and he said to get in the cab and the man would take us where we would like to go. I feel bad for not trusting him then, but there was no way we were going to trust a random cab driver that didnt speak any english and hop into his car...

The drive to them MTC was eventful to say the least... The people here drive like maniacs and I think our driver was the worst of them all haha. It seems the road mentality here is that if there is a space you take it. I dont think our driver used his rearveiw mirrors once. At One of the lights we were turning left and changing lanes at the same time and Im pretty sure we hit something (or Someone) because there was a loud bang and our van (or cab) jerked a little bit. The driver glanced over his shoulder for a breif second and then kept driving... so crazy... hope no one died

so we arrived about one this mornign and they let us sleep in till nine, which was nice because I didnt get any sleep the night before, it was dark so I couldnt see the MTC till now. The MTC is beautiful. I will have to take lots of pictures.

i had a good wake up call this morning. someone started knocking on the door and started yelling "Elder Bunker! Elder Bunker!" I jumped out of bed and opened the door and there was Elder Gates (my first companion) haha it was great to see him, Elder Custer and Elder Lowe (from our district in provo) were there as well, and Elder Astle (from EFY) and Elder Goodman (one of my residents). They are all doing happy and well. Haha it will be weird to see how much more spanish they speak now. They said they dont speak much but they understand a lot more.

I leave for the feild this tuesday, and I am going proselyting tonight... so nervous, but so excited at the same time.

Anyway just wanted to let you all know Im doing fine, still sick, but the Lord has been blessing me and I have been getting better. The Airports really werent too bad so its been a tender mercy to be able to breath for a second.

Love you all!

The Church is true, Tell your friends!
Always turn outward, and keep smiling!!

Elder Bunker

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